Seller account limit
New eBay seller accounts are often subject to limits imposed by eBay. These limits may be established based on the quantity of available products, potential revenue, or the number of authorized listings for the store. eBay sets these limits to maintain better service quality and avoid risks.
These limits gradually increase as the seller account ratings improve. To optimize distribution from the start despite these limits, we have provided a rule in the rules library that limits the quantity sent to one unit per listing. You can activate it using the find/replace tool in the library (rule: SF Limitation Listing eBay).
You can also contact eBay regarding your limits if you find them too restrictive and request an improvement in the imposed limits from the following link.
Categories without authorized variations
On eBay, it is sometimes not possible to send products with variations in certain categories. In such cases, if your products are rejected by eBay, please contact the Support team to check this publication.
Here is the list of affected categories (non-exhaustive list):
- Automobiles, Utilities
- Real Estate
- Video Games, Consoles
- Books, Comics, Magazines
- Motorcycles, Scooters
- Motorcycle: Parts, Accessories
- Photo, Camcorders
- Promotions
- Telephony, Mobility
- Computers, Networks
List of authorized carrier names
The eBay marketplace only allows certain carrier name values, or else you may not be able to update the order status on their platform.
Make sure to accurately specify the carrier names (CarrierName) when sending shipping information from your CMS. Here is an exhaustive list provided by eBay: ShippingCarrierCodeType.
Association with existing eBay listings
This trick allows you to link to existing listings on eBay without creating new ones.
The first step is ideally to create a field in your CMS (for example, {itemID_Ebay}) and export it into your source feed so that it is retrieved on your Shoppingfeed account. This field will contain the reference of the eBay listing for matching.
The second step is to accurately send a product in the same form as the one in the existing listing. If the concerned product already has a parent/child relationship, you must adhere to sending the product with:
- The same variation names
- The exact same number of variations (usually 1 or 2)
- The same values, including case sensitivity, for each variation ("red", "green", "S", "XL", etc.)
Finally, the third step is ideally to retain the same SKU (between the one initially used for listing on eBay and the one currently present on Shoppingfeed) to avoid creating duplicates on the marketplace.
Some other points to note and adhere to:
- If the listing was originally created with a 30-day duration, when Shoppingfeed links to the existing listing, the listing format will change to GTC (Good Till Cancelled).
- Linking to existing listings must be done before sending new products.
- "EbayItemID" must be assigned to the parent SKU.
- Once the listings are linked and synchronized, the "ItemID" attribute must remain mapped on Shoppingfeed.
Addition of part compatibility in the automotive category (Ktype)
The Ktype attribute on eBay is a code that corresponds to a set of compatibility features in the automotive category (it can represent one or several vehicles used as compatibilities).
On the Shoppingfeed side, you can enter it through the "Field Mapping" tab of the platform: