Why is an order being blocked?
Note: You can always manually fulfil the order directly from the Seller account.
You've just received a notification that your order has not been imported into your storefront for easy fulfilment. Here are 4 possible reasons why the order is stuck.
Are products available for Online Store in your storefront?
The order will not be able to import If it includes the SKU that is not live in your online storefront. Your storefront simply does not know which product is being referred to.
This can occur when a user creates manual listings, that exist alongside product listings created by Shoppingfeed. To ensure this product is the one created by Shoppingfeed, switch off the product in Shoppingfeed and update the channel. Once completed, see if the listing is deleted from your channel, or becomes deactivated or hidden.
If the listing still remains active, delete the listing completely from the channels back office (via Seller account). Then switch the product back on in Shoppingfeed. A new listing should appear on the marketplace shortly.
Is anything out of stock?
If the product is no longer in stock, Shoppingfeed will not be able to sync an order that puts it in negative quantity, as many e-commerce systems like Prestashop do not allow an inventory oversell.
To troubleshoot this, modify the inventory in your storefront to a positive integer and Shoppingfeed will sync the order automatically during the next update cycle (15-35 minutes on average).
Does the address look incorrect?
Some storefronts impose restrictions on the formats of address fields, which in turn prevents Shoppingfeed from re-assembling the order for sync. Instead of automatically modifying the address, we leave it for review.
To troubleshoot this, check the following and modify if needed from your order pane:
- The surname or first name does not include any special characters or symbols other than a dash. If this is the case, delete these characters and save.
- The number of characters in the fields Name, First Name, City, Postal Code is a reasonable amount of characters. There may be limits on the number of characters allowed for certain address fields. If this is the case, try reducing the number of characters while keeping the address understandable (for example, change "boulevard" to "bvd") and save.
- The telephone number does not include punctuations or letters. If this is the case, delete these characters and save.
Have I enabled international orders? (Magento & PrestaShop Users)
Was the order in question made internationally? You may have forgotten to activate the country and/or currency within your storefront in your Magento or Prestashop Admin.
To solve this problem, activate the currency and/or the country in question from your storefront back office. Shoppingfeed will sync the order on the next update automatically (15-35 minutes on average).