Shoppingfeed includes a powerful data manipulation tool (Rules tool) enabling you to effortlessly implement a variety of changes, whether they are extensive or minor, to any of your product data. This tool allows you to apply modifications based on conditions that you define, offering a high degree of flexibility and customization.
Below are some basic {price} manipulations
> ADD $$ to your Price
> Increase price by %
- Add $5 to my Price on Amazon
We replace {price} with {price} and simply ADD a static value [5] (for $5).
Preview a random SKU
- Increase by %
We replace {price} with {price} and under custom effects select Increase in % and then type a static value [5] (for 5%).
Preview a random SKU
Should a rule affect a specific product, collection, category, or brand?
Add a CONDITION to your rule.
Expand the No condition section and add a common denominator:
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