In order to access this feature, please contact our Customer Support team.
These Shopify supplemental feeds will have three different possible types:
- metafields and metaobjects
- translations
- inventory locations
How can I create a Shopify supplemental feed ?
The URL of a Shopify supplemental feed is Shopify-specific, as the URL of your main feed. It contains:
- the application’s token (see the steps below)
- the extension specified at the end of the URL, which will let Shoppingfeed know what needs fetching for - this supplemental feed.
A/ First, here are the steps to follow on your Shopify :
1 – In your Shopify BO, go to “Applications > Application and sales channel settings” :
2 – Click on “Develop applications" :
3 – Then click on “Create an application” :
4 – Give the application a distinctive name :
5 – Click on the “Configuration” tab of the created application and check all the following boxes, then save : "write_products, write_orders, write_shipping, read_inventory, read_locations, read_locales, read_metaobject_definitions, read_metaobjects, read_translations"
6 – Switch to the “API Identifiers” tab and choose to install the application :
7 – Finally, choose to “Reveal the token once”, which will appear in the format “shpat_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” (keep this token immediately, as you'll need it to create the url for your additional feed) :
B/ Now, here are the steps to follow on Shoppingfeed :
1 - Copy your main feed’s URL, and in the copy, replace the token with your newly-created token and remove all existing extensions at the end of the copied URL (The supplemental feed URL should only contain the parameters designed for the supplemental feeds, see below) except for the &published-status=... .If this extension is present in the main feed’s URL, it should be in the supplemental feeds’ URLs as well.
2 - Append the necessary extension at the end, according to the type of supplemental feed you wish to create:
- "&translations=true&lang=[ISO-code]" in order to fetch the translations
- "&metafields=true" in order to fetch your metafields and metaobjects
- "&locations=true" in order to fetch your inventory locations
3 - Create your new supplemental feed on Shoppingfeed (on the Sources page) with this URL, using a comma (,) separator, and “reference” (without the inverted commas) as SKU header. See below the details for each type of supplemental feed.
→ You will see a Preview error when creating your supplemental feed, on the second step. It is normal, as the file has a specific format.
Supplemental Feeds - Metafields & Metaobjects
This type of supplemental feed fetches the existing metafields and metaobjects for a Shopify store, so that they’re available in Shoppingfeed as attributes.
You can use the &metafields=true extension to fetch the metafields and metaobjects on your products.
Translated metafields and metaobjects
If your metafields are translated in Shopify, and these translations are published, you can also specify the language in which Shoppingfeed should fetch them, through an additional parameter in the URL: &lang=[isoCode] (for example &lang=es). Be careful, some languages (such as Portuguese) have double ISO codes (see the available locales in Shopify).
You can only specify one language.
When this parameter is added to the URL, the supplemental feed will import the metafields and metaobjects’ values in the specified language. It will work as follows :
- the attributes’ names will have a suffix to indicate the language, nameoftheattribute-es for our example
- with values translated in the provided language, if the translation exists
- with non-translated values (in the default language), if the translation does not exist
If you already have your metafields imported into Shoppingfeed through your main feed, and you wish to switch to the supplemental feed instead, please get in touch with our Support team.
Supplemental Feeds - Translations
This supplemental feed fetches the translations of all the translatable fields, except for the metafields and metaobjects. Please know that the translations have to be published in Shopify so that they can be fetched.
The translations will be available for the fields listed below only :
- name
- link
- description
- category
- options (and options’ values)
- collection
Translations can be pulled for several languages in the same supplemental feed. In order to do this, the languages should be specified in the same parameter, separated by pipes (|), for example : &translations=true&lang=en|de|it .
Be careful, some languages (such as Portuguese) have double ISO codes (see the available locales in Shopify).
In Shoppingfeed, translations will take the form of attributes, with a name containing the locale (two-letter ISO code), so that they can be easily recognized :
- options (which vary with the product) will be named: option-locale-sourceName-translatedName
- other attributes will keep their name: sourceName-locale
If a translation is missing for a field, this field will be empty.
Supplemental Feeds - Inventory Locations
This type of supplemental feed fetches the existing inventory locations for a store. In Shopify, the stock for a given product can be scattered across several places, called locations.
With the Inventory Locations supplemental feed, Shoppingfeed can import from Shopify, for each product (as attributes) :
- all the existing inventory locations (with their identification and name)
- the inventory level for each of these inventory locations
Default values will be 0 when a location does not apply to a product.