Some fields in Shoppingfeed may have different names in comparison to Shopify. Feel free to rely on the following table to avoid any confusion. Do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support Team with any outstanding questions or to get assistance with the Field Mapping, AutoTag, or Rules.
Field Name
Field Name
SKU | {id} and {sku} |
Title | {name} |
Vendor | {brand} |
Barcode (GTIN) | {barcode} |
Tags | {tags} |
Collections | {collections} |
Сustom Product Type | {category} |
Price | {price} |
Compare At Price | {old-price} |
Inventory | {quantity} |
{autotag_color} and {autotag_size} fields can be used for all fields mapped as Color and Size on Manage Colors and Sizes Page.
{category_channel} field represents the selected channel/marketplace category.
Item Weight values from Shopify are always imported as {grams} in Shoppingfeed. You can use the {grams} field to convert grams to lb or kg for the {weight} attribute based on the channel requirements.
Below is a quick example of how to add values in KG for the {weight attribute} from the {grams} with the help of Rules.