Shoppingfeed gets reports back from the marketplaces when listing products via API.
A user-friendly interpretation of those reports is available in the Error Investigator tab.
A user-friendly interpretation of those reports is available in the Error Investigator tab.
On this tab, you can find the lists of SKUs that have been sent successfully, rejected by a channel, or blocked by Shoppingfeed. A detailed description of error codes returned by the channel helps you understand why a specific product has been rejected and how to fix a particular issue so that a product is listed successfully.
Successful | This section contains products that have been sent to a channel with no errors returned. You can access the list of SKUs by clicking on the number. | |
Rejected by the channel | This section contains products that have been rejected by a channel with a specific error code. You can see detailed information and suggestions on how to fix the issue by clicking on the error code. | |
Blocked by Shoppingfeed | This section contains products that have been excluded from the feed by Shoppingfeed. We block products based on the data validation requirements for a specific channel. The products blocked by Auto-Remove Rules will be also included in this section. |
Note that the Rejected by the channel section is only available for the channels that have an API connection with Shoppingfeed.
For channels like Facebook Ads, Bing, Houzz, etc. - you would need to check the error report directly in your merchant account on a corresponding platform.
- You can look up a specific SKU by pasting it in the search bar.
- You can download an entire list of SKUs for both Rejected by the channel and Blocked by Shoppingfeed sections.
- By clicking on a particular SKU, you can see the product details imported to Shoppingfeed and sent to a given channel.
The black "info" icon next to a product attribute means that a value of this attribute has been affected by Shoppingfeed Rule(s). Click on the icon to see the sequence of changes and all the Rules involved.