Product Selection
Shoppingfeed allows you to choose the products you wish to publish on a specific sales platform.
You can enable products with the help of the switches in the "Selection" tab of a corresponding channel dashboard. There are several ways how you can do this:
1. Select all your products by enabling the main switch;
2. Select an entire category by enabling the corresponding category switch;
3. Select a specific product (standalone item, or a parent SKU + variations).
The grey switch means that a specific SKU or all SKUs in this specific category are disabled;
The light blue switch means that some SKUs are enabled but some are disabled in this specific category;
The blue switch means that a specific SKU or all SKUs in this specific category are enabled.
Auto-Remove Rules
You can block products from all or specific channels in bulk with the help of our Auto-Remove Rules.
For example, you can easily block products of a specific Brand and not send them to Amazon by creating a simple rule instead of disabling those products manually with the help of the switches.
Category Mapping
Each product that you send to a specific sales platform needs a category assigned. This category defines where the product will be published on that specific platform.
Follow the steps to map your internal product category with the channel category:
- simply start typing any word that the name of the category should contain in the corresponding field;
- select the best matching option from the drop-down that appears based on the value you enter.
You can also assign a category on a product level and thus overwrite the main category selected. Simply click the "Edit" button next to the product title to look up a category that you'd like to assign to this specific product.
Channel Updates
Once your products have been selected and the categories assigned, you can click the "Update" button to send the feed to the corresponding channel right away.
This article provides more details about the Source Feed and Channel updates in Shopppingfeed.