What is the Benchmark feature?
Benchmark is an innovation developed by Shoppingfeed engineers in 2021 that enables you to gauge your progress in comparison to your industry. With a base of over 2,500 merchants, the Shoppingfeed solution provides a qualitative and consistent sample of market trends.
Our teams have assigned you to an "industry" that corresponds to your main product category. If you'd like to adjust your assigned industry, this is entirely possible—just contact your account manager or Shoppingfeed support.
Benchmark allows you to compare your daily revenue growth with the rest of your industry as of the previous day (D-1).
How can I access older data, such as M-1?
This is a paid feature. Please contact your account manager or support for more details. It includes features like data exports, tracking industry trends over specific periods, and growth analysis by marketplace.
Are my sales shared with other merchants?
No. At Shoppingfeed, we prioritize the confidentiality of your data, including your sales, best-sellers, and other information. Your sales data belongs solely to you. This is precisely why we offer benchmarking by industry—to provide trends and market insights without compromising your privacy.
Can I opt out of Benchmark?
Absolutely. Contact your account manager or support to withdraw from the "Benchmark" program. However, please note that by doing so, you’ll no longer have access to industry growth insights on the Shoppingfeed platform.