+ Create a new rule
Name your rule (required).
Be brief and exact in order to recognize it quickly.
Notes (optional): you can detail the purpose of this rule/important details.
‘Active all the time’ is a Default option.
If you want (or need) to set a time frame for your rule, you only need to enter the start and the end dates. After the end date, the rule will be turned off for you automatically.
Trick: This field will be useful for creating your date ranges during the sales!
Affected Channels.
‘Applied to all channels’ is the Default option.
But you can choose to assign a rule to certain types of platforms (Ads, Marketplaces, etc.), or you can just make a selection of channels by just putting a checkmark.
No_Condition section:
The condition represents your "IF" statement.
If you add a condition to your rule - it will only be applied to products that meet your condition.
If you leave the No_condition section empty, the rule will be applied to all your products in bulk.
Would like to add a condition?
You just need to choose a field in the dropdown and select the condition you want to apply:
- Your rule could affect even a more limited choice of products by adding more conditions to it. When using two or more conditions, you need to choose whether all the conditions must be met or at least one condition must be met.
- Fixed values must be in square brackets [ ]. Dynamic fields (fields in your source feed), between { }. And the decimals are to be separated by a point and not a comma.
- If your condition should contain multiple values, you can add a pipe "|" to separate those values: e.g. IF {id} Equals to [12 | 172 | 376 | 345Y]. The rule will work as long as the conditions are true.
No_Result section:
The result is what you expect to achieve.
Note: You can ADD multiple results to your rule, and as a result, it’ll make several data manipulations.
Preview SKU
Check if your rule works. The Preview feature will show you the Original value vs the Modified value to make sure the rule actually works and/or continue editing the rule if necessary. Simply paste an SKU that should be affected by the rule :)
Make sure you always save your rule so as not to lose it!